173: Ethics of family relationships
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Regardless of legal status of family
Including ethics of marriage, divorce, separation, parent-child relationships, sibling relationships
173: Familienethik
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Unabhängig vom Rechtsstatus der Familie
Einschließlich: Ethik von Ehe, Scheidung, Trennung, Eltern-Kind-Beziehungen, Geschwisterbeziehung
173: Morale en matière de relations familiales
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Sans tenir compte du statut juridique de la famille
Y compris la morale en matière de mariage, de divorce, de séparation, de relations parents-enfants, de relations entre les enfants d'une même famille
173: Etica delle relazioni familiari
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Senza tener conto della condizione legale della famiglia
Include l'etica del matrimonio, del divorzio, della separazione, delle relazioni tra genitori e figli, delle relazioni tra fratelli
173: Familieetikk
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Inkluderer: Etikk vedrørende ekteskap, skilsmisse, separasjon, forholdet foreldre-barn, søskenforhold
Uten hensyn til familiers rettsstilling
173: Familjeetik
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3DVgy7QM4m9pGtFXQdPfMwK8b
- Entity type:
- Concept
Omfattar äktenskapsetik, skilsmässa, separation, relationer mellan föräldrar och barn, syskonrelationer
Oavsett familjens juridiska status