342-349: Branches of law; laws, regulations, cases; law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept
342-349: Rechtsgebiete; Gesetze, Verordnungen, Rechtsfälle; Recht einzelner Gebietskörperschaften, Gebiete, sozioökonomischer Regionen
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept
342-349: Branches du droit ; lois, règlements, jurisprudence ; droit interne des autorités administratives, aires géographiques, régions socio-économiques particulières
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept
342-349: Rami del diritto; leggi, regolamenti, giurisprudenza; diritto di specifiche giurisdizioni, aree, regioni socioeconomiche
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept
342-349: Rettsområder; lover, forskrifter, rettssaker; bestemte jurisdiksjoners, geografiske områders, sosioøkonomiske områders rett
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept
342-349: Rättsområden; lagar, föreskrifter, rättsfall; juridik avseende särskilda jurisdiktioner, geografiska områden, socioekonomiska områden
Download- URI:
- https://id.oclc.org/worldcat/ddc/E3djf9T4JWY8hd6fhQ6Dkkjqry
- Entity type:
- Concept